Dear, You really need to stop changing the layout so god damn often. Seriously, every layout you've used, save one or two, was perfectly adequate. Just leave it alone already. Seriously, your starting to piss me off with this shit. Thank you for your time and if you don't heed my warnings I will be forced to eat your fucking faces off.
P.S. Not a joke bitches. Imma come to each one of your houses with an uzi. Don't think I don't know where you live. ZE END!!!1
If you wanna be friends with me on gaia my name is Clutterman666.
I hate gaia, I mean, it's not the anime I really, I mean I can stand anime I guess, but all the whore nerdy chicks. Go on blackjack and half of it is "do you want me to be your slave". It's like, "me no want to have good time with 300 pound whore from Japan".
Cool Cool. I just play on gaia for the collection. That's really it.